2022 Photography Competition Gallery

Theme: Australian Farming Today

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Title: Smilin for the camera
Author: Tamara Ward
Votes: ?

Category: Healthy Livestock
Views: ?
Description: This is Lilly, an orphaned lamb that I hand reared. She had a tough start, loosing her mum, having her tail half bitten off by an overzealous workdog, then witnessing her fellow orphaned lamb mate being mauled by two wayward dogs. She was traumatized and stressed and it took me weeks of gentle love and care, lots of cuddles and warm milk to bring her back to good health and happiness. I was overjoyed when one day I came home and found Lilly waiting to great me with a "smile" on her face. I ran and grabbed the camera and came back to capture a snap of her. I said, "smile Lilly", smiled at her and then as I snapped she "smiled" at me again. 🙂 Such a special moment.
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